
On Becoming “Homeless”

Last night, I said goodbye to my childhood home forever. Ever since I began teaching diasporic world literatures, I’ve been toying with the concept of “home.” I asked my students–a diverse bunch from all around the world–how they would define home. In attempts to get them to think more deeply, I told them how I…

Un-Becoming a People Pleaser

I’ve lived nearly 32 years in service to others. Taught to “do the right thing,” to “be the bigger person,” to do what everyone else had done before me, and to “wait my turn” to live the way I wanted to, you can’t even begin imagine how angry I was–am–when I realized that my innate…

On Becoming Political

The disorder peculiar to my country (the United States) is its citizens’ inability to care about anything but themselves. I blame this on the Christian principles of “aspir[ing] to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs […] so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one” (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12).…

On Becoming a Bride, or Everything NOT to Ask Queer Couples Getting Married

The identities of the individuals discussed have been disguised in order to protect their businesses. My then wife-to-be and I were sitting in side-by-side styling chairs at the salon for our trial hair and makeup session for our wedding day. The makeup artist had just introduced herself, and although I had told the salon over…


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About Me

Hi! I’m Kristen. I began writing at age eight when my third grade teacher promised to turn any story we wrote into a “real book.” She may have only laminated the pages and bound it with a plastic spine, but I couldn’t get over the feeling of holding my very own book in my hands. Ever since then, I’ve been writing and plotting novels, but I failed to complete one until the spring of 2018, when I sat down to take another crack at a story that had puzzled me since 2011 and wrote 80 pages in a single weekend. That story became DEATH RATTLE, my first novel. I’ve hardly stopped writing since.

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